Watermelon diet

Watermelon is a delicious berry for weight loss

For some reason, it is generally accepted that in the summer, the fat accumulated in the winter evaporates by itself due to an active lifestyle. No matter how it is! Many of us, coming down from light shorts and loose sundresses at the end of the season, realize that they have gained a lot of weight. You can immediately remember the fun barbecue trips, cozy gatherings in ice cream and exotic delicacies tasted in a foreign resort.

But this is not the time to lose heart, you have to act! August-September is the time for watermelon, and the striped berry sugar porridge is not only delicious, but also useful for those who dream of losing weight. Nutritionists call the watermelon diet one of the most effective and gentle. During it you will not have to deal with the painful feeling of hunger that interferes with life and work. You just have to follow a diet and the positive dynamics will not take long.

What is the effectiveness of the watermelon diet

Watermelon pulp is a storehouse of valuable micro- and macroelements, vitamins and organic acids. The salts of iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and sodium contained in it have a beneficial effect on the activity of the digestive, hematopoietic and cardiovascular systems. Watermelon fiber helps cleanse the body of toxins and remove bad cholesterol. The acid-base balance is regulated by the presence of alkaline compounds in the product, and pectin fibers normalize intestinal motility. In addition, regular consumption of watermelon is an excellent cancer prevention.

How to calculate the portion

As invaluable as the benefits of watermelon are, uncontrolled eating of juicy porridge, as well as any product, can lead to catastrophic consequences - diarrhea, nausea and severe stomach pain.

The formula for calculating the individual daily dose is simple: 1 kg of watermelon pulp for every 10 kg of your weight. That is, if you weigh 60 kg, without risk to health, you can eat no more than 6 kg of watermelon, of course, not in one sitting, but by dividing it into equal portions.

Watermelon diet options

If you are afraid that during the diet you will have to eat only watermelon pulp, this is not the case. The striped miracle berry goes well with other foods, thus allowing you to diversify the menu. Choose the version of the watermelon diet that is right for you:

  • With melon: the famous fragrant relative - melon - comes to the aid of the sugar "bun". During this diet, eat light, low-calorie foods (low-fat cottage cheese, hard cheese, lean meat, vegetables), and melon slices serve as a healthy breakfast.
  • With kefir: very good in the summer heat. Within 3 days you consume only the pulp of stripes and kefir-zero (you can take 1%). The interval between meals is 3 hours.
  • With black bread: a good option for those who skip flour during the diet. Just alternate slices of watermelon with rye toast and become almost 1 kg lighter per day. The duration of the course is 10 days.
  • With cucumber: 2 weeks eat only watermelons and cucumbers (1 kg per day). It is allowed to "dilute" the daily menu with 1-2 rye toast and a glass of zero yogurt.
  • With rice: This option only allows watermelon and rice (cooked, wild or brown). Daily norm of products: rice - 100 g, watermelon pulp - no more than 1 kg for every 20 kg of weight.
  • With cottage cheese: the optimal weight loss program for lovers of desserts. For breakfast and afternoon tea, eat low-fat cottage cheese (150-200 g), and for other dishes, enjoy the striped pulp.
  • With buckwheat porridge: an option that allows you to lose weight without feeling hungry. Buckwheat (1 kg per day) in water without oil, watermelon (not more than 5 kg per day), salads of fresh vegetables and soft drinks (green and herbal tea, water with lemon) without sugar are allowed.
  • Watermelon protein is the ideal diet for carnivores. It is allowed to eat lean meat, low-fat fish, watermelon (2 kg per day) and dairy products (low-fat yogurt, zero-fat kefir, 1% milk). The optimal duration of the course is 10 days.

Sitting on a diet with watermelon, keep in mind that above all the weight loss course means giving up starchy foods, pastries, salt, carbonated and alcoholic beverages. Coffee lovers can replace morning tea with a cup of your favorite drink.

Duration of the diet with watermelon

So, the decision to lose weight has been made. Now assess the scale of the problem (the number of extra pounds) and your own will. Now select a course of appropriate duration:

  • 1, 2 or 3 days is difficult but effective unloading of the body, during which it is allowed to consume only the pulp and liquid of watermelon (water, green tea).
  • 5, 7, 10 or 14 days - softer programs in which watermelon "works in a team" with other products.

Try not to show excessive fanaticism, because only a perfectly healthy person can withstand a long course of monodiet (diena is such) without unpleasant consequences.


According to many losers, the most successful of the watermelon diet courses is the five-day, which allows you to use, in addition to watermelons, other low-calorie foods.

Here is what your diet plan will look like for this period:

Day 1

  1. First breakfast:

    • half a cup of tea (preferably green) or pure still water;
    • 1 soft-boiled chicken egg;
    • a small portion of each slurry of water.
  2. Breakfast: 2-3 slices of watermelon.

  3. Dinner:

    • salad (cucumbers + tomatoes) with olive oil;
    • 200 g lean fish;
    • green tea.
  4. Breakfast: slices of watermelon.

  5. Dinner (3-4 hours before bedtime): watermelon.

Day 2

  1. First breakfast:

    • 200 g unsweetened skim cottage cheese;
    • 2-3 slices of watermelon;
    • half a cup of tea or water (optional).
  2. Second breakfast: a portion of watermelon.

  3. Dinner:

    • unsalted rice porridge in oil-free water;
    • watermelon.
  4. Breakfast:

    • 50 g low-fat cottage cheese without sugar;
    • 2 slices of watermelon.
  5. Dinner: we cook as for lunch.

Day 3

  1. First breakfast:

    • unsweetened tea;
    • 180 g of nonfat cottage cheese;
    • fruit salad (half a green apple + watermelon).
  2. Second breakfast: watermelon - 2 small slices.

  3. Dinner:

    • 100 g of boiled chicken breast;
    • salad (fresh cucumbers + herbs), seasoned with olive oil or lemon juice.
    • tea or water.
  4. Breakfast: watermelon.

  5. Dinner: vegetables - stewed, boiled or steamed.

Day 4

  1. First breakfast:

    • portion of oatmeal without oil. It can be boiled or stewed overnight in a thermos;
    • a small piece of hard cheese;
    • tea.
  2. Second breakfast: watermelon - 2-3 slices.

  3. Dinner:

    • 250 g of any lean meat prepared on a double boiler or grill;
    • vegetable salad (tomatoes + peppers + cucumbers) with olive oil;
    • water.
  4. Breakfast: a few slices of watermelon.

  5. Dinner:

    • low-fat cottage cheese - 100 g;
    • 1 pear or green apple.

Day 5

  1. First breakfast:

    • fruit salad (watermelon + green apple + prunes);
    • tea.
  2. Second breakfast: watermelon.

  3. Dinner:

    • fresh vegetable soup;
    • a slice of black bread;
    • tea.
  4. Snack: 1 chicken egg (hard boiled or omelet).

  5. Dinner: "shock" portion of watermelon - 400g.

By eating this way, you can lose up to 4-5 kg during the course. If you need to lose more and still have the strength to continue, try to endure this diet not 5 but 10 days. Accordingly, the menu on the first day is similar to the menu on the sixth day, and so on.

How to get out of the diet with watermelon

The end of the diet course does not mean at all that you can prey on previously banned smoked meats, pickles and confectionery, as the weight lost with such difficulty can quickly return to its original place. Continue to eat light, healthy foods such as grains, fresh and stewed vegetables, fruits, cooked meats and lean fish. Portions of rather dull watermelon can be reduced, but you should not completely exclude the striped berry from the menu. The transition will take as long as the diet itself.


The benefits of watermelon are an indisputable fact, but not everyone can consume it in large quantities. At risk are people with pathologies of the kidneys, choleretic and genitourinary system. The miracle berry is contraindicated in the last trimester of pregnancy, during breastfeeding and in diabetes.

And remember! The watermelon diet will help you achieve the desired result, but to maintain it, you will need to lead a healthy lifestyle, quit smoking and alcohol abuse, as well as say goodbye to daily cheesecake rolls. You can handle it! Good luck!